Sunday, February 12, 2012

Distance and time.

All drawing and writing is coming and going in waves these last days. Here is a little bit of the first pages in my limited edition Sketchbook Project. The theme is distance and time, hence the post title, but I approach themes VERY loosely no matter what they are. Which may or may not be cheating.

Next week I turn the big three-zero, which is something I've been a little terrified about since I turned 29. Many, many people say that your thirties are the best decade of your life, and I hope they're right. I have some fun plans in the works for the day, including good people, a Celtics game (technically the night before my birthday, but it will be my first!), a bit of reflection, pretty dresses, downtown Boston, and hopefully some mild shenanigans and delicious beer.

Related to the latter: I'm enjoying trying new kinds of brews in the last couple of months. Not as impressively as Courtney's Febrewary experiment, but it's making me extend beyond my stout-comfort zone in a most delicious way.

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