Friday, July 17, 2009

Mailbox presents.

Firstly, I'm sorry about my lack of updates here lately. Life is still being fairly difficult, which is leaving me with little desire to draw. But, now that I have some things coming up so in theory, I should have some good things to show you soon.

This post is about things I received in the mail today. I like mail. A lot. Lately, my mailbox has been an empty pit of despair. BUT NOT TODAY.

mail presents

I received my issue of I Want Your Skull. I haven't gotten to read it yet, but I flipped through some of the images, and they're really great. I highly recommend ordering a copy if you haven't done so yet. By the way, the original version of my contribution to this issue is still available in my Etsy shop.

See those Moleskines on the right in that picture? Those obviously didn't come with IWYS. But! They are tiny and cute and I will soon be painting/drawing on them and putting them up in my shop. I'll post here when that happens.


claire platt said...

your page looks awesome in that! can't wait to see the moleskins when they are done! + i'm decorating my room currently.. so I'll be keeping my eye on your etsy store, i want beautiful things for my walls!

Ryan August said...

Glad it finally got there! :)

Cassandra said...

Me too, thank you Ryan! It's a great issue.