Friday, November 6, 2009

Zine update:

I sent some copies out already, and the rest will be going out early next week. I apologize for the delay, it’s taken me longer than I expected to draw on them, and I sold more than expected so I have to make more copies before I can finish the rest. I suspected the former would be an issue, which is why I specified a 1-2 week shipping time (for domestic orders).

Thank you for your patience.♥


Cassandra said...

Yes! At this point I'll be making handfuls of copies on an as-needed basis. I'll probably "retire" it in a few months. =)

Sara said...

you do have some beautiful things up here. could I use some of your drawings for a tattoo? my email is if you're in the mood, please, answer me. :)

nancy lili g. said...

I couldn't figure out how to comment back on my blog-- but thank you for the birthday wish! I'm only grumpy on the day itself. I really do appreciate it <3 Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You should put your artwork on I found it surfing last week and its a great site for artists!

Art Freak