Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hi, I'm still bad at posting.

I really need to scan some things. But for now, here's another random photo post.

The Bailey bag is coming along very slowly. Very. Slowly. Here's one of the sides.
Bailey bag side progress

These will be on the front of the bag. I'll be cutting them into stencils, tracing them onto the bag, and then hopefully not screwing up when I paint them. They'll be yellow warblers.

Last but not least, here are my bbz, Clementine and Alfred T. Waffles. They were a birthday present from my Leah.
mai bbz


claire platt said...

aww! your birds! so cute!
the bag is coming along very nicely too!

Anonymous said...

The bag is looking very cool.
Love the finches. We used to have some when i was little, they sounds so beautiful

seadogz said...

I was passing though and I saw your work on the bag, its going to be pretty awesome. ^_^