I put together this first piece today, although all of these moth drawings have existed since the beginning of summer. In the process I spilled a significant amount of silver paint and glue. I am currently too drained to express my overall fury here. This piece also has the longest title ever, which of course, is taken from the back of the book page. I'm going to share the whole passage with you, but underline the part chosen for the title itself:
"What is happiness?" said I. The Tinker removed his hat, and, having scratched his head, put it on again.
"Happiness," said he, "happiness is the state of being content with one's self, the world, and everything in general."
"Then," said I, "I fear I can never be happy."
"And why not?"
"Because, supposing I ever became contented with the world, and everything in general, which is highly improbable, I shall never, never be contented with myself."
Yeah, it's been one of those weekends.

And I've posted this one everywhere but here..

"Such emotion was foreign to his taciturn nature."
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